Name: Shawn
Age: 14
Location: georgia
Gender: male
Why do you think you would be a good addition to _--GRIM--_ ?
I love to play the game and am good at it... Im not mean and like to give people a chance and know some good friends in grim hheee
What characteristics would you view as most important in a CS player?
How good they work as a team... And how they get along with others.. also thier skills at playing.. Also good follower of rules
Have you ever been a member of a clan before? If so, which one(s)? and why are you no longer a member?
Um U.B.C.S. was my first one, I just joined because a few people wanted me to so i did and just kept it... I didnt know fear was a clan until oreo blizzard told me when i had it as my name... but he just told me to get to top 4 so thers 4 fears up there.
How did you hear about us?
Pootytang, Redneck, Smartie blizzard, and some others, Know alot of grim from Zombie bitch server